There are many ways to redirect a domain name to a different domain or subdomain and one of them is by creating a CNAME record. If you own a domain name and you've created a site through some online service that provides you with a service subdomain, you could easily link the two by setting up a CNAME record for that directs to What you are going to achieve as a result is that is going to be in the browser address bar while it opens the already mentioned Internet site from the servers of the third-party company. It is important to know that if you create a CNAME record, any other records your domain address may have will stop working, so you cannot have both a CNAME record directing to one company and functioning email addresses with another. The CNAME record is always an alpha string, not a number, and in some cases additional configuration may be necessary with the other company.

CNAME Records in Website Hosting

You can effortlessly create CNAME records provided you have a Linux website hosting package through our company. We're going to provide you with an easy-to-use CP that enables you to observe all DNS records for the domain addresses and subdomains which are hosted in the account. Creating a CNAME record requires a few simple steps - pick the domain/subdomain, choose CNAME as the type, enter the hostname you are redirecting to, after that just click the Save button. The process is as basic as that and the new record will be active almost right away. This way, you're going to have more control over your domain addresses and subdomains and over the content they open, you'll be able to set up a private URL for company e-mails, and a lot more. If you feel unsure about how to set up a new record or you have never done such a task, we have a short video tutorial in which you can see the whole process first-hand. If you want to change or delete an existing CNAME record created for a domain/subdomain hosted on our end, it'll require literally just a mouse click to get it done.

CNAME Records in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Managing DNS records usually appears to be a hard task to those with less experience, but the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with each Linux semi-dedicated hosting package that we offer, is extremely simple to use. If you need to set up a CNAME record for any purpose, all that you have to do will be to pick the domain or subdomain you need, pick the type of record, that will be CNAME in this case, then type in the value i.e. the domain name or subdomain you are forwarding to. The procedure is quite simple and you can set up the record in the DNS Records section of the Control Panel. Within the hour the new record will be fully active and within several hours it is going to propagate around the globe. If you aren't sure what you have to do, we've prepared a detailed help article and a short video tutorial regarding how to go about creating a CNAME record and they are both situated in that same section of Hepsia. Naturally, you can also get in touch with us for help at any moment.