If you have a website, you probably rely on the backup system the provider employs as it's not likely that you are keeping a daily backup of your content material on your personal computer. The backup can save you in various situations like deleting some data accidentally or an unauthorized third-party accessing your account considering that the Internet site may be restored to its previous state easily. The only issue is that most providers keep only one copy of your content and when a new one is generated, the old one is erased. In other words, when you notice a problem a few days after it has appeared, it could be too late and the loss of data may be irreversible. Our custom-built backup platform was designed to eliminate this type of a difficulty and it's an assurance that you'll never lose any of your data. It enables you to pick the content that needs to be restored along with the particular date when the backup was made by our system.

Browsable Daily Backups in Website Hosting

If you purchase one of our website hosting packages, we will keep backups of all your info four times per day, so if anything should be restored, you can use the newest copy, which means no loss of info or minimal damage in case that you have included data after the last backup was generated. You shall also be able to look through all backups going seven days back from the File Manager section of your CP, so you can very easily find and restore the files you require from the exact time that you need. The restoration is as simple as copying a file or a folder from one spot to another, thus no specific expertise are required. For safety reasons all backup files are read-only to ensure that content can't be erased from them accidentally. With this platform you'll never need to stress about the integrity of your files no matter what because we'll constantly have at least several copies which you shall always be able to look through from within your Control Panel.

Browsable Daily Backups in Dedicated Hosting

The backup service is active by default for all semi-dedicated hosting accounts which are created on our innovative cloud platform. A copy of the whole content is created daily and we'll always have a minimum of four backups of your files for every one of the past 7 days. Apart from the amount of backups, the advantage of our platform over the service that other firms offer is the fact that you'll be able to look through all available backups using the File Manager tool inside your web hosting Control Panel. The only big difference from the conventional folders which you have is that the backup ones are with read-only permissions for safety reasons, but the supervision is precisely the same, hence if you want to restore only one file or a whole folder, you only have to copy it to the actual domain name directory and you'll be all set. This function shall save you the time which you would probably otherwise spend to contact our tech support team and will offer you the safety which you require as you will never lose any data anymore.