If you are looking for impressive domain name administration solutions along with special domain names registration rates you’ve arrived at the right place. Look at our video presentation to look at everything that Music Network USA provides for your domain names.

We provide you with more than 50 exclusive domain name extensions, or TLDs, at more affordable prices. For the majority of of those, we have a direct agreement together with the organization, in charge of that TLD, which enables us to provide reduced domain name registration prices. Moreover, because we are in special contact with the domain registrar, all changes you make for your domain names are going to propagate all over the world considerably faster.

For the purpose of domain control, now we have designed a distinctive domain management tool – the Domain Names Manager. It’s an integral portion of Music Network USA’s Online Control Panel and it will allow you to seamlessly control a number of domain names at once. It is also packed with very helpful tools, for instance a domain name redirection tool, a GeoIP redirection service and a lot more. Because the Domain Manager belongs to the Control Panel, if you’ve got your website hosted with us, you can handle your domain names and also your websites within the same place, without any extra panels.

In case you operate a internet store, or you want to simply include an extra secureness level for your web site, we have got just the thing for you – SSL Certificates. You can receive an SSL certificate right from our Control Panel and then we will even set it up instantly for your sites. You no longer need to travel to third party providers after which grapple with the SSL certificate installation and configuration.

As an supplemental protection level for one’s domain names, additionally we present a WHOIS Privacy Protection service. Using the Whois Privacy Protection service, we are going to mask your individual info from the domain name’s Whois. This dramatically reduces the probability for cyber theft and in addition it minimizes the volume of spam emails you receive in your Whois–associated address.
